SuperModified V3.0 για DC μοτέρ



The 01TM Supermodified for DC motors is a complete motion control module that consists of a DC motor controller and encoder. By using 01TM Mechatronics patented integration method the controller can be fitted at the back of ANY DC motor.

The plastic parts are each time 3D printed in order to fit perfectly every motor in the market. The design service is provided by 01TM Mechatronics for FREE. We already have a rich library of designs for most of the popular motors

The final outcome is a very elegant and tidy motor control solution. The only cables that go out of the motor’s end are power supply and communication lines.

The magnetic absolute encoder provides an amazing resolution of 32768 ticks/revolution.

The motor controller implements position and velocity profiles that are recalculated with every received setpoint.

The communication protocol has been developed by 01TM Mechatronics and provides exceptional functionality. For example it provides synchronized control of all motors on the bus or control of two motors as if they were one etc.

The module can be controlled by a PC or an embedded platform. APIs for popular software and embedded platforms are available for free and can be downloaded from our site. There is also a standalone application for this purpose. The 01TM Supermodified interfaces include Matlab, Microsoft .Net, Arduino. Development of a Rasberry and a LabView interface is under way.

There is also the option to send us the motor and 01TM Mechatronics will integrate the sensor and controller for FREE.


  • World’s smallest motor controller!
  • Seamless, hassle free integration to ANY DC motor up to 120W!
  • After integration only four cables come out of the motor which can be controlled down to the last encoder tick!
  • Includes 15bit absolute position encoder !
  • Profiled movements !
  • Control loop running at 9,765 KHz !
  • Multiple bus interfaces including RS-485, multi-node uart, I2C! Up to 128 nodes on a single bus !
  • 5 to 24V, 5Amps continuous !
  • Multiple software interfaces: Stand alone application, MatLab dll, Arduino library and more !
Βάρος 0,020 kg
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