BMW Brand Experience Center: Kinetic Pixel Curtain

Another major success for 01TM Mechatronics took place in BMW Brand Experience Center of Zyrich.

Behind a kinetic “pixel curtain” lay the new models from BMW. Under the motto “The Art of Owning the Moment” Luxoom designed this movable curtain for the presentation of the X7 and 8 series convertible models premiering in November 2018.

36 SuperModified V3.0 for RC-servos offered real time control via DMX 512 to the 36 individually controllable, mirrors. By making full use of Supermodified V3.0 tiny dimensions (16x16x12mm), the integration to each mirror is invisible to spectator’s eyes, Our controller and a MAXON geared motor are integrated and wired inside the aluminium chassis that holds each mirror. Power and data are transmitted via the supporting cables thus the artistic impression of the mirrors choreography” feels as an untouched airy creation. The overall kinetic, light and music installation is complimented by nine robotic spotlights.

This authentic and impressive construction functions as a solid ballet of 36 rotating mirrors, thanks to Supermodified’s absolute and accurate motion control.

kinetic pixel curtain 1
supermodified kinetic pixel_curtain 2
photos above: our Supemodified V3.0 are integrated to mirrors from one side and wired through suspension to the metal frame to dc motors, positioned at the other side
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Tweaklab was commissioned to optimise and implement the “Kinetic Pixel Curtain”. The Swiss studio also choreographed and programmed the interplay of the moving mirrors, the soundscape and the light play into a surprising show.

Credits to Expomobilia, as commissioner and general contractor, and Senn Konstruktionswerkstätte AG for development, overall engineering and construction.

The following video has been taken during the development of the system.
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